Māori services

Ahakoa, mai tawhiti, ahakoa mai tata, nau mai hāere mai ki tēnei whārangi kua hanga hei akiaki, hei manaaki I a koe.

Kia ora kia ora, talking about sexual stuff like porn with whānau and friends can be tricky at the best of times. For Māori, this can be especially hard as you don’t want to stress out your kuia, kaumātua, mātua, siblings or wider whānau. It can feel easier to say nothing –  however, if you need help, its super important to reach out to someone in your whānau who you can trust and who will manaaki you. Anei ētahi kaupapa Māori hei akiaki, hei tautoko I a koe – here are some services that can help you out…

Safe to Talk

If you’ve been affected by sexual harm or are worried about your own behaviour, Safe to Talk provide great 24/7 confidential non-judgmental support and advice with trained counsellors.

Anonymous online chat 24/7.
Freephone: 0800 044 334
Text: 4334
Website/online chat: www.safetotalk.nz
Email: [email protected]

Te Rau Ora

Te Rau Ora is a Kaupapa Māori Organization that aims to strengthen Māori health and wellbeing. Although it doesn’t provide primary healthcare services like a helpline or counselling, it is a great place to find research for you and your whānau if you are wanting to learn more about health from a Māori perspective.


Hey Bro

24/7 free, confidential helpline for men who feel they are going to harm a loved one or whānau member. The team of experienced men will help support you and connect you with services.

Confidential Freephone: 0800 HEY BRO


Toahn-nest is focused on ending sexual violence together. It has a bunch of different services where you can talk about sexual violence that might have happened to you or a loved one. Their ‘get help’ page has a search bar for help services near you and a 24/7 helpline. Their Kaupapa Māori Services offer support and counselling by Māori, for Māori and for people of all other communities in Aotearoa.


Brave – Māia

Brave is a charity that aims to raise awareness of sexual violence amongst Rangatahi throughout Aotearoa. It provides a range of important information for seeking support and is partnered with SafeTalk to provide a 24/7 helpline to young people. Brave was founded and is led by Māori Sexual Violence Advocate Jessica Tyson.


Bros for Change

Bros for Change provide mentoring programmes for young tāne in the South Island. The programmes provide the rangatahi the tools to navigate their own challenges and support them to reach out when necessary.


Man Alive

Man Alive provides non-judgmental support, education, workshops and counselling for young men struggling with aggression. They also run Te Ara Taumata Ora, for Maori youth.

Freephone: 0800 826 367

Safe Network

If you are worried about your sexual behaviour, or someone else’s, SAFE work with people with problematic sexual behaviours and have specialist services for young people, Māori and Pasifika youth.

Phone: 09 377 9898
Email: [email protected]

Local Whānau, Hapū and Iwi Services

If you are looking for Māori services closer to home, then the Ministry of Health Māori Health Provider Directory is perfect for you. It provides a list of all registered Hapū and Iwi health providers throughout Aotearoa, including some that may be in your rohe (region).
