Porn made you feel


Hey there! If you’ve seen something that’s made you feel uncomfortable with online – you’re not alone!

Porn’s everywhere – and there’s crazy new genres and wild sexual stuff popping up daily 😲. It’s hard to avoid the intense stuff and seeing it can be confusing, weird or just plain gross. It can feel awkward telling someone, so here’s some tips to get started. Kia kaha!

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“It makes me a bit sad cos I wish I hadn’t had to see that at that age. I would have
understood it better and had a different reaction if I was older.”FEMALE, 15, OFLC research

Porn that makes us feel ‘uncomfortable’

There’s lots of weird and more violent themes out now like “real bro and sis”, “young teen” or “forced’, porn producers say they’re creating more shady or extreme stuff to hook people in, and make more profit 🤔 It’s hard to avoid this stuff and it can be confusing and even disturbing to watch.

So, if you’ve across some stuff you’re uncomfortable with – that’s not unusual!

Porn and the body

Watching some stuff in porn, particularly the more extreme themes can be confusing. Most people’s bodies naturally respond by feeling turned on when they see sexual stuff or naked people.

So even if we are wigged out by more extreme porn, our body can still respond positively – this is super normal, and nothing to feel bad about it.

For others, watching some porn can be upsetting and it can be difficult to forget certain images. If that’s you check out our tips here or our Text/Talk section.

Even if we are wigged out by more extreme porn, our body can still be responding positively when we see naked bodies – this is super normal, and nothing to feel bad about.

Porn and the brain

Research shows when we see naked people, our brains are in hyper-drive and they actually move faster than seeing clothed people.

Our brains can anticipate a ‘high’ – and we can’t usually control that initial feeling!(3) So, even when we feel uncomfortable with things we see in porn, our brain can be giving our body a different (positive) message.


In some countries porn could be made by forcing people into it, particularly illegal and underage porn. If you’ve seen something that looked forced or the person seemed too young to be in porn – remember it’s not your fault that this stuff is online. It might help to talk to someone and you can report it by clicking here.

Porn and trauma

Watching certain porn can sometimes cause trauma. If someone’s felt really uncomfortable about what they’ve seen, they can get flashbacks or feel anxious afterwards. If they’ve had unwanted sexual touch or been abused before, they can also feel triggered.

If that’s you, or someone you know, it’s important to get help or talk to the Pros on 4334 Safe to Talk.

Watching porn can create questions and confusion around what you are getting aroused to. If that’s you, talk to a trusted friend or adult, or the pros here

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